Board of Commissioners,
West Volusia Hospital Authority,
245 E. New York Ave.,
P.O. Box 509,
DeLand, FLA 32721.

Subject: Ormond’s Prudent Management

I refer the Board of Commissioners to that certain action identified as ‘‘CASE NO. 96-11028 ci dl’’ in the Circuit Court in and for Volusia County, Florida.

Ignoring for the moment the matter of the secret agreement, I ask the Board to consider whether such payments are a portion of the ‘‘costs’’ which will be built into the indigent care bills we are expected to pay.

I further ask the Board to consider whether such payments represent the standard of diligence which we are funding with our subsidies.


Tanner Andrews

Posting of this letter is a paid political advertisement provided by Tanner Andrews, P.O. Box 1208, DeLand 32721, independent of any campaign or committee. This material is also on display at the offices of the West Volusia Hospital Authority. No candidate has approved this material.

from @(#)hosp9605.txt 1.0 05-Nov-1996

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