So it turns out that business is lousy. Some days you wonder whether it would be better to stick your head in a bucket of water rather than go in to work. Have you ever thought that business is crummy because you have a crummy web site?
What you need is a dodgy SEO expert who hides behind some fortified maildrop service. Not only can you send money with the perfect assurance that you will never see it again, but you may be able to save because Yahoo is cheaper than the real name brands. Their SEO scammers avoid the cost of affilliating with the ``big name'' search engine company.
Having realized that your web site is lousy, perhaps you will go so far as to allow the SEO scammer to have access to your web site. Yes, that would be dumb, but you have not shown a whole lot of brilliance to date.
When you want to game the search engines, and you want to save money, you may contact one of these SEO fiscal defenestration experts!
So you can only afford one of these Yahoo!s |
You already know that Google is the leading search engine, and that they provide a leading source of SEO spam. And perhaps that is why their SEO prices are so high. If you cannot to pay the price, but you still need an SEO expert, you may like one of the above experts. They have already demonstrated their ability to get the pink e-mail out, and the only reason you would doubt their SEO expertise is if you had actual data.
Remember, there is no need to apply real life experience. Actual data will only confuse the issue and may delay issuance of funds to the SEO experts.