List of Athens Pledges

as of 28-Sep-1996

Main Street DeLand got early state grants as ``matching funds'' on a 1:1 basis. That is, the state would give one of our tax dollars only to match one dollar from some other source.

The ``matching funds'' shown were pledge dollars, ostensibly to be raised from the community. Never mind that much of the community match was actually your tax dollars, in this handy chart we see how much real money the State matched, and how much smoke and mirrors they matched with real money.

Of course in later years, the State merely matched state money with more state money. They're not all that bright in Tallahassee.

mark name phone amt paid notes

1 marshal bone 734 2894 92769* 0 forgone profit only
2 jr service league 738 0498 3000 3000
3 graves edmonson 734 0720 1000 0
4 deland honda 738 0007 1000 250 behind on time pmts
5 lane insurance 734 0800 1000 500 current on time pmts
6 rick green 734 9386 1000 0 wxvq
7 james & mareen france 738 0649 1000 0 main st
8 shaun merriman 738 9098 1000 0 south trust
9 w.v. hist soc 1000 1000
10 rob lenholt 738 1383 1000 0 gibbs
11 alice clark 1000 825 bundled
12 buffy williams 734 4008 1000 265 + gift certs
13 jeff waters 738 1217 1000 0
14 david rigsby 100 0
15 jane fleming 734 2541 5 ?
16 rob ennis 822 5665 10 0
17 financial advocates 100 ?
18 telephone pioneers 734 7885 100 100
19 brian woods 775 6741 100 100
20 tom walker 985 2778 10 0
21 sunshine country furn 943 8039 100 ?
22 ed talton 734 3599 100 100
23 h frank taylor 734 5848 100 100
24 stampworks 736 6262 50 0
25 m/m sidney j stubbs 734 1634 250 0
26 bob & lorraine sullivan 734 9513 100 100
27 malcolm smith 734 2981 100 0
28 frank spearman 822 7837 150 0
29 special t’s 736 3786 100 0
30 bob sharff/betty dreka 734 8151 100 100
31 bonnie shelton 736 0074 25 0
32 mark shuttleworth 734 9300 100 0 florida victorian
33 sam’s tailor shop 734 4528 100 ?
34 helen sanders 800 334 5988 100 0
35 elaine scarfato 669 5970 10 0
36 bill roseborough 734 4680 100 100
37 vince & joan roberts 822 9942 100 0
38 clifton richard 734 9417 25 0
39 virginia poczik 789 1849 100 100
40 arvis & mary porter 734 9499 100 100
41 premiere nat foods 734 6502 50 0
42 william nyleu 734 5458 10 0
43 elizabeth osteyee 734 9548 50 50
44 charles paiva 734 1427 25 0
45 michael medica 789 5152 100 0
46 mark monteson 423 9760 25 25
47 muse bookshop 734 0278 100 100
48 charles macmahon 736 2233 25 25
49 harry messersmith 734 6180 50 0
50 susan macon 734 1337 100 100
51 rachel lambertson 228 3010 10 10
52 danielle laprime 822 8920 35 0
53 lorna lind 736 1487 25 25
54 sims kline 736 6029 25 0
55 dennis krazel 738 7411 50 50
56 mary ann krenzke 734 7837 25 0
57 sidney johnston 736 2509 100 100
58 junque exchange/nancy wrigas 736 3735 100 0
59 christopher king/merlin’s vision 738 9394 100 0
60 george & ann jenkins 736 9347 25 25
61 sara jernigan 734 5339 25 0
62 jessica rose 943 9010 100 0
63 duanne horan 736 2458 10 10
64 hunter’s restaurant 736 7954 100 0
65 tom ingram 738 8838 100 0
66 steve hayman 736 7891 100 0
67 j.t. hargrove/triangled-H 736 0185 100 0
68 scott groth/bellini 736 1747 50 0
69 morgan gilreath 736 1283 25 25
70 eleanor griffin 734 3548 50 50
71 chuck grier 734 9419 25 0
72 senta goudy 734 7962 100 100
73 mary gary 789 1369 25 25
74 emily gerard 734 8749 50 50
75 ann rogers fox 736 9037 100 100
76 fresco’s italian rest 738 5707 100 0
77 julie gagnon 734 9154 500 0
78 (anon) (removed) 100 200 pd > pled
79 william field 736 4240 10 10
80 jack fortes 734 4087 100 100
81 joy ellis/reeve&howard 734 1227 100 0
82 estate furniture 736 9518 100 0
83 mike cook/cook’s cafe 100 0
84 a hair better 736 1940 100 0
85 a la carte 738 3223 150 0
86 deland noon rotary 500 500
87 karen delong 985 4936 50 0
88 bill dreggors 734 5443 1000 ?
89 david cuttrell/side one 738 8391 50 0
90 deco-tiques 822 9475 200 0
91 astrid de parry 738 3400 20 20
92 m/m taver cornett 738 5500 25 25
93 alice clingman 789 1912 35 35
94 edwin cottingham 736 6545 100 100
95 champ’s shoe repair 736 1981 100 25
96 central hydraulics/chavez 253 2568 250 250
97 charles brian hill/barney’s 736 8851 100 100
98 linda carey 734 7484 100 100
99 louise caccamise 734 3565 25 25
100 naomi buckley 738 2614 20 20
101 norma brooks 789 4177 10 10
102 janna bridges 736 4977 25 0
103 john buck 736 9630 25 25
104 kim basso 775 9247 12 ?
105 i.b. bell 734 1665 100 0
106 buck&june bennett 734 3573 100 100
107 linda almeida/balloons 736 4296 250 0
108 amicorp/the oaks 738 4272 100 0
109 peter andrus 738 5507 100 100
110 david maurer 500 0
111 robert&harriet bollen 50 50
112 barnett banks 10000 10000
113 news-journal 25000 12500 current on time pmts
114 w.c. walker 25 25
115 charles edmonds 25 25
116 margaret boner 25 25

201 deland rotary 822 4149 500 500
202 target stores 774 5574 10000 ?
203 mac steen 738 0636 500 ?
204 city of dld/cbdg 96-97 736 3900 60000 0
205 stampworks 736 6262 250 ?
206 lucy & marv krupp 704 682 4731 1000 ?
207 tom mckinney 736 4660 150 ?
208 j.t. hargrove 736 0477 100 ?
209 pope duncan 736 2956 250 ?
210 bill dreggors 734 5443 500 ?
211 deland wal-mart 734 4420 2500 ?
212 quality brands 228 2700 2500 ?
213 cohen, smith & co 738 3300 250
214 jack sperry 904 343 6981 50
215 patie & curt rausch 736 4707 250 ?
216 deland breakfast rotary 736 2880 1000 ?
217 orl-area theatre organ soc 68000 *
218 main st dld 738 0649 25000 * in-kind fund-raising
219 jr service league 734 5527 2966.54 3000

Notes on Pledges

The pledge by Marshal Bone is for foregone profit only, and represents no real money. I make a similar pledge for $100,000 in paint and supplies: if you will buy through me at my prices, I shall charge only what it costs me, including of course my cost of labor. I forego my ‘‘expected’’ profit of $100,000.

Those $1000 pledges which lead the list, and on which $0 has been paid to date, are in many cases unlikely to be paid. It is interesting to see that the director of Main Street pledged $1000 and paid nothing.

The $100 pledge from David Rigsby, on which no payment was made, is interesting because he is Mayor of DeLand. Mark Shuttleworth (Florida Victorian) also pledged $100 and paid nothing. He is a City Commissioner in Lake Helen.

Sims Kline (pled $25, pd $0) is a major advocate for historical preservation and city control of other people’s property.

Pledges from Merlin’s Vision ($100), Jessica Rose ($100), Fresco’s ($100), Deco-tiques ($200), Linda Almeida/Balloons ($250), are unlikely to be paid: the businesses are long gone.

The pledge from the Theatre Organ Society represents no money: they undertake to provide help with installation if an organ can be found.

The pledge of $25,000 from Main Street (in-kind volunteer fund-raising) represents no money. If this pledge were to have value, we would expect Main Street to be able to supply a minimum of $25,000 in cash, assuming that we spend no more than $1 for every $1 raised.


Legal Mumbo-Jumbo
This material is a paid political advertisement provided by

Tanner Andrews,
P.O. Box 1208,
DeLand 32721.
independent of any candidate or committee. No candidate has approved this material. Disclosures are filed timely with the Supervisor's office.

It has been over three years since the list of pledges was checked. Do you think any more money has come in?

from @(#)msd-pled.txt 1.1 28-Sep-1996

proc with hmac.ta2 1.0 19-Jan-1999